Executive Committee
The Executive Committee administers the affairs of the Local and oversees the implementation of the decisions of the General and Regular Meetings. It may also propose policy to the General and Regular Meetings. It shall have the power to receive reports of any Committee or Branch and advise thereon, to call Emergency Meetings of the Local, and to act on any matter that requires immediate and urgent action.
Our Executive Committee consists of the chapter officers, the Parliamentarian, and the chairs of any local branches and youth sections (YDSA). The Co-Chairs, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and chairs of branches and youth sections are the voting members of the Executive Committee.
Contact the Executive Committee at [email protected]
Co-Chair(s): Evelyn P
The Co-Chair(s) are the chief executive officers of the Local. They preside over the Local and Executive Committee meetings and serve as the official public spokespersons for the Local, taking any actions and policies as the Local’s general welfare may demand.
NOTE: The second Co-Chair role is currently an open seat.
Corresponding Secretary: Ty S
The Corresponding Secretary is responsible for answering all queries for the Local and for maintaining an up-to-date membership list, as well as communicating with national DSA and ensuring the transfer of official chapter documents to the next set of officers. In the case that a Co-Chair is unable to perform his or her duties, the Corresponding Secretary will temporarily assume the duties of that Co-Chair.
Treasurer: Shawn M
The Treasurer is responsible for the funds and financial records of the Local. They prepare the annual Local budget and deliver the Local financial report to the General Meeting, as well as periodic progress reports as requested by the Executive Committee.
Recording Secretary: Vacant
The Recording Secretary is responsible for taking all minutes at the General, Regular, Emergency, and Executive Committee Meetings, and has custody of the minutes, the resolutions, reports, and other official records of the Local. Along with the Corresponding Secretary, the Recording Secretary also ensures the transfer of official chapter documents to a successor.
Comrades-at-Large: Trent T and Jake M
The primary role of the Comrades-at-Large shall be to facilitate mediation between members of the chapter that have conflict. Both individuals shall act as and have the responsibilities of the chapter’s Harassment Grievance Officers (HGO) as defined by national harassment policy. Contact them at [email protected].